Environment Protection
ESD specializes in supporting projects for environmental permits. The work consists of inspecting the environmental impact of the project we are advising and its surroundings, providing solutions for preventing environmental hazards, writing environmental appendices and supporting the project with environmental input until a building permit is granted.
Surveys and Appendices / Urban Building Schemes
Environment Impact Surveys
Preperation Environment Impact Surveys for certain types of plans is a statutory requirement in accordance with the Planning and Building Regulations (Environment Impact Surveys) of 2003. It is the main statutory tool for integrating environmental considerations into various plans. it is incorporated in plans with a potential of significant environmental impact. Other plans various tools, such as landscape-environmental appendices, environmental opinions, environmental documents, etc. The Environmental Impact Survey is a document reviewing the effect of a proposed plan on its environment, evaluating the plan’s projected impact on the plans' environment and specifies necessary measures to prevent or minimize any negative effects. The survey can examine the foreseeable repercussions for a new plan from the existing environment, such as a new neighborhood in proximity to an active harbor, beach or loud noise source.
The Environment Impact Survey is an obligatory statutory tool, anchored in the Planning and Building Law, and is structured into statutory planning processes, mainly through:
Planning and Building Regulations (Environment Impact Surveys) of 2003
Amendment 37 to the Planning and Building Law – Roads and Railroads (initiated 1994)
There could also be a demand for an Environment Impact Survey or a landscape- environmental appendix in national or regional program outline instructions. For more, see here
Environmental Protection – supporting projects for environmental permits. the work consists of inspecting the environmental impacts of the project and its surroundings, providing solutions for environmental hazard prevention, writing environmental appendices and supporting the project with environmental guidelines until a building permit is granted.
Support and accessibility of river and marine wastewater discharge permits, registering businesses for shredding facilities, ground removal for certified waste sites, use of waste treatment water, asbestos removal and more.
Land Surveys – Contaminated ground
Performing ground investigations, from historical land surveys to receiving ground release letters from the Ministry of Environmental Protection; aiding in selecting surveying/ground removal contractors, field supervision, analysis inspection and writing reports.
Consulting on carbon management topics for the forum of 15 biggest municipalities, use of recycled materials, recommendations for treating excess dirt, regular water planning, etc.
Air Quality Monitoring
Air monitoring control according to the national Air Monitoring Array. This consists of daily control of monitoring data, detecting incorrect data, and writing monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Establishing air monitoring stations – selecting locations for establishing stations, selecting contaminants to be monitored per the instructions of the national Air Monitoring Array instructions, including working with authorities and private sector for establishing the stations in their territories, selecting a monitoring contractor, and continuous work with the national Air Monitoring Array until an establishing permit is granted.
Waste management –waste management system design and collection array, including predicted waste volumes in accordance with the Planning and Building Law and the project’s needs. In coordination with the project’s relevant consultants, we provide recommendations for optimal design of the waste array, and support its approvable by the local authority.
Pneumatic waste collection systens – we perform feasability surveys for establishing a pneumatic waste system for projects of all sizes.
We provide the project planners with guidance and professional support , providing the system initial design, writing bids,, supporting the selection of the franchisee and overseeing the contractor work process and output.
Acoustics / Radiation / Hydraulics
Acoustics Consulting
Noise or sound is created by vibration of air changes within a given range (usually air or water). This interference spreads as a mechanical wave characterized by the volume and frequency of the event. Typical noise pollution sources could be noise from air conditioning devices, transportation, industry, construction sites and many other sources.
The ever-growing demand for a higher quality of life, the awareness of noise damages combined with the increasing crowding of the urban environment, causes an increase in the residents’ demand for adequate noise conditions – demanding strict regulations of noise issues.
Acoustic consulting is required as an inseparable part of the environmental documents. The services provided include acoustic support of projects in the fields of transportation, infrastructure, industry, construction, mixed populated environments etc.
The work consists of measuring and calculating the predicted noise levels as well as designing mitigation measures.
prepering acoustic survays within the Environmental Impact Surveys
Supporting the acoustic aspect of statutory plans.
Measuring and predicting noise from transportation (roads, trains and airplanes)
Occupational Safety and Hygiene
Environment, health and safety (EHS) tests –internal survey by factories and companies in accordance with their internal policies, and local and global rules and regulations. The work consists of inspecting factory files, overseeing factory protocols, touring and overseeing factory facilities, questioning employees, writing a summary report including faults and providing recommendations for improving/repairing them.
Performing occupational safety and hygiene surveys and providing solutions in case of failures. Performing a due diligence survey – preparing prospect papers on factories and companies, streamlining, or structural/production changes.